
Virginia's sermons

Only by grace

Since discovering the Grace of God, everything we preach is all about Jesus. By His sacrifice, we have been made whole. We have received His life and righteousness. This is what you will find in these messages.

Partnering with God

God wants to partner with us in the visions or promises He gives to us, simply because He loves us. He wants to enrich our relationship with Him through it, bring us help whenever we need it until they come to pass.

Knowing the True – Rejecting the False

In his first epistle, John reveals the truths he heard directly from Jesus so that we are able to reject what is false. He uncovers the truth about sin and righteousness and shows us what we need to know before we can believe it. He explains how to abide in Christ and shows us the wonders of God’s Love.

The Bread of Life

Jesus is the Bread of life. Give us this day our daily bread means that He gives us of Himself for what we will need to face the challenges the world throws at us each day. He equips us and strengthens us each day because He is the Bread who gives us life. He is fore and foremost a giver who delights in strengthening us.


Firm Foundations

These series of talks is what you need to go back to the foundations that Jesus and the apostles laid. They will ensure that whatever you build on them will only be on Jesus, the solid ground on which we stand.

1. Apostolic Foundations

The most important part of a building is the part you cannot see - the foundations. It's the same with the Church. Foundations determine the shape of the building. They dictate what can be built on them. The main ministry of the apostles was to lay the correct foundations for the Church. Have we been building on Apostolic foundations?

2. Righteousness

The righteousness of God is the basis for our relationship with Him and qualifies us for every blessing. But many are trying to be righteous on the basis of their works. Paul teaches we do not behave unto righteousness but believe unto righteousness.

3. Identity

The world gets it's identity messages from such things as achievements, appearance, approval of others, etc. The problem is that often Christians do the same. That's because many believers do not understand their new identity in Christ. This message will help you renew your mind in what's true about you now.


Individual messages and short series

The Power of the Gospel - 1

Religion is the antithesis of the gospel. The emphasis of religion is about what we are told we have to do for God to love us, accept us or bless us. The gospel is the announcement of what God has done for us in Christ. Religion says ‘do’; the gospel says ‘done’. Religion and the gospel are enemies. Satan is the architect of religion. It is his masterpiece. He failed to destroy Christianity through persecution, but has corrupted it through religion. But the gospel continues to be the power of God unto salvation.

The Power of the Gospel - 2

The grace of God does not lead us into sin, laziness or passivity, though this can be the impression we get from the way it is sometimes taught. On the contrary, grace empowers us for the totality of life on planet earth. It lifts us up to heights we could never rise to in our own ability.

Hesed - 1) What amazes Jesus

Hesed is one of the most beautiful words in the Bible. Someone described it as the most defining characteristic of God. Understanding the Hesed of God will dramatically transform our relationship with Him.

Hesed - 2) Discerning the Lord's Body

The two main reasons God wants us to understand Hesed is 1) because it will transform our relationship with Him; 2) because it will transform our relationship with others. In this session we see how when we break bread together, we are reminded of our union together in the body of Christ where we can demonstrate loyal love to the body of Christ.

Bible Prophecy and the Present Times

Many are asking 'Does the Bible say anything about the present times in which we live?' Most of us have never experienced such a world-changing event as Covid19. Some attempt to explain the pandemic with specific predictions in the Bible. How should we respond to this?

End Times and the Coming Crisis

History is not circular but climactic. What is the climax towards which the human race is heading and how can we be prepared for it?

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