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Firm Foundations

These series of talks is what you need to go back to the foundations that Jesus and the apostles laid. They will ensure that whatever you build on them will only be on Jesus, the solid ground on which we stand.

4. Righteousness Consciousness

It's one thing to be righteous, but many believers still have a sin-consciousness. God forgets our sins; but religion reminds us of sin. The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict the WORLD of sin, but not believers. He comforts believers concerning our righteousness.

5. Grace

Grace is our power to reign in life. That's why Satan wants you to reject grace so that you try to live the Christian life in your own power - the flesh. This ends in defeat. In this session you will learn the truth about grace.

6. Faith

Man's response to God under the Law was works; our response to God under grace is faith. Faith receives what grace supplies. Our faith is not in faith but in Christ.

7. New Covenant

The New Covenant made the Old Covenant obsolete. So why was the Old Covenant given? Can a Christian be cursed under the New Covenant? What about generational curses? Ken responds to these questions, and more, in this session.

8. Sons of God

Under the old covenant God's people were under the guardianship of the law, likened to a pedagogue. They fared no better than a household servant. But under grace we are adopted as sons of God. This is characterized by freedom from legalism and intimacy with the Father.

9. A New Creation

If we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have died to who we were in Adam and our spirit is joined to Christ and is now one spirit with Him. Christ is now our life. Yet Christians still sin. Why is this and how do we react when we sin? More importantly, what is the Biblical key to a transformation in our behaviour?

10. The New Man

There are two major parts to Paul's teaching. These are doctrine and exhortation. In this session Ken likens these two aspects of teaching to the two blades of a pair of scissors. Many preachers only use one blade, and consequently there is no cutting edge to their ministry.

11. The Love of God

It's not that you believe in God that's important, it's what you believe about Him. Where do you get your perspective about God? Jesus is 'the image of the invisible God' (Col.1:15). Therefore, any other image we have of God which does not conform to the image we see in Jesus is a false representation of God. Jesus overwhelmingly demonstrates that God is love.

12. Eternal Life

Is it possible to lose our salvation? The Bible teaches once a son, always a son! We might be a bad son, a prodigal son, a disobedient son, but still sons. We are born again and it's impossible to be unborn.

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