

This book will help you regain your love for God. It will show you what the Grace of God is and restore you in your faith by explaining who God really is and how much He actually does love you


I have loved God most of my life, yet, I had arrived at a point where I had more questions than answers. After breaking free from corrupted religion, I needed these answers if I was to continue believing.

  • Are you discouraged trying to hold onto your faith?
  • Are you angry with God or resentful towards Him?
  • Do you know who God really is?
  • Do you really understand what you believe?
  • Is religion taking you nowhere?

I was like that. I had been a Christian for most of my life and yet I was at the end of my rope. Where was God? Who was He? Was He going to punish me or did He really love me? Rules and regulations were killing my love for God. Fear and condemnation reigned. Was I even going to make it to heaven?

Little did I know that my life was about to take an amazing turn. For the first time, I heard the true Good News of the Gospel, about His grace and what Jesus’ sacrifice at the Cross truly meant. The more I learnt about His love, the freer I became. Life, joy and peace started pouring back in.

This is my journey out of religion into His grace. If you have suffered religion for far too long, you will find in these pages simple truths that will transform your understanding and set you back on solid ground.

You will learn:

  • Who you are in Christ
  • What really happened at the Cross
  • How close you are to God
  • You will establish your heart in His grace
  • You will be victorious through Christ
  • His truth will set you free
  • You will know what you believe and live it to the fullest



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