About Us

For years we tried to live the Christian life we thought would be acceptable to God. But our love for Him was waning. The harder we tried to please Him, the further away He seemed to get. Was God angry with us, was He there to punish us every time we failed? Isn’t He supposed to be a God of love?

Soon after this period in our lives, our religious, self-righteous efforts were discarded when we heard the truth of God’s Grace.

Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, paid the ultimate price at the Cross so that we wouldn’t have to work at it ourselves. Not only were our sins past, present and future, forgiven, but we were also given His nature, His life and His righteousness. 

God, who had been misrepresented to us by religion, is indeed a loving Father, who cares for us, who has given to us all things that pertain to eternal life. 

The truth is such a contrast to religion. We dropped religion like a hot potatoe. What a relief! What a joy to hear we are loved by Him. We are eternally secure in Him.

Knowing this, our mission has been to share this apostolic truth with anyone who is searching for God, their Father.

This is our journey from the shadows of religion to the light of God’s grace. Our desire is to show you how to transition from one to the other, how to be free in Christ and experience His grace, joy and peace.

Keith and Virginia

My husband and I love the Lord with all our heart, yet at one stage we both struggled very hard in two completely different ways.


My husband fell into anger and resentment after gross corruption was found in the group we attended. This led inexorably to bitterness and frustration. To alleviate the anger and confusion he was suffering and not finding anywhere else to turn to, he fell back into his old life of drinking and the biker scene.

For 7 years, he was only sober for a month or so. Yet, in all that time, Keith would cry out to God in anguish. One day and according to His timing, God started restoring Him, first by helping him quit drinking and smoking, then by revealing His grace and love towards Him, the love and grace that never fails.


On the other hand, I stayed in the church and gritted my teeth. I ploughed on. I thought I was giving my life up for God. It sounded commendable. I was exhausted. His burden is light. Why did I find it so heavy? What was wrong? Was I not good enough? Did God still love me? So many questions left unanswered.

I had been trying by own efforts to please the Lord, not realising that Jesus had accomplished everything at the Cross for me. Finally, I realized that I didn’t have to strive to be righteous. The Lord had already made me righteous.

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